Know all those great ideas that have been bouncing around in your head all this time? If you’re ready to share them with the world, you’ll want a professional, polished piece that presents your very best—and the array of services Kathy Jenkins offers can result in exactly that!
If you’re still at the idea stage, take advantage of her consulting services—she’ll not only give you solid advice on what to do next, but can help you determine your best audience, all the way from a niche market to a national market. She can also help you sort out the differences between self-publishing, traditional publishing, and agented publishing—and help you decide which is best for you.
If you’ve already started writing, Kathy offers a variety of editing services (all the way from a simple copy edit to a structural or developmental edit) that will make your work the very best it can be. And if you’re ready to write but don’t know how (or just don’t want to), Kathy is a cracker-jack ghostwriter who can write your book for you.
And if you’re entering the home stretch with a book that has been typeset, Kathy has legendary proofreading skills that will help you avoid any embarrassing errors. She’s also one of the best indexers around if you’d like a professionally done, user-friendly index.
And what about you? If you’d like to leave a real treasure for your posterity, you’ll want to consider a personal history. Kathy writes those, too. In fact, it’s her favorite kind of writing.
So check out the services Kathy has to offer. You’ll find everything you need to know here, including how things work and what they’ll cost.